Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Photo Caption Contest

This idea is directly ripped off of Perez Hilton. Who allegedly rips off a lot of photos off the Internet. Thanks to Erica for the link on the first photo!!!

So here goes:

"This boy is really smiling because he _____"

Image from www.dailycandy.com

"Women across America are interested in David Beckham's coming to America because____"


Anonymous said...

Actually, my first thought on seeing that B&W shot was:

Constipation have you in knots?

maria said...

"This boy is really smiling because he....
outdid himself this time by sticking that panty-liner on his cousins head".

"Women across America are interested in David Beckham's coming to America because....
they're hoping he'll spell their initial next (He's doing the S's first)...."