All my life I have been told that good reading and writing skills would serve me well in any discipline or career. I even changed my major in college from pre-engineering to English and French, because I was far more interested in reading literature and writing essays than trying, in vain, to "get" chemistry.
I've never regretted that decision. It was the right choice for me, though I do confess that when interviewing for my first job there were many moments when I was thinking, "Four years of private college tuition and I'm waitressing?" It only lasted a year and a half. And it wound up being my French, not my English, that landed me that first job.
Fast forward nearly two decades. I am shopping at my local Target, and stumble upon this:
It immediately caught my eye, not because of the riveting packaging (yawn) but because I happen to need some of these. So I picked up the box, and then I saw this:
Someone at the Rubbermaid Company actually gets paid to write this copy. Several other people get paid to review the box it in a product meeting and give it the green light. Yet another employee is in charge of having the boxes printed. No one along this line, even the printer, picked this up? Talk about quality control issues!!! (Or, just control issues -- those would be mine. I wasn't nicknamed "The Red Pen" for nothing.)
So go ahead, major in English. And please, check your spelling.
Priceless! Thank you for the endorphin release!
Hey, I saw "hamster" spelled "hampster" in an ad in the WALL STREET JOURNAL.
And these guys get $250 an hour for copywriting??
My other pet peeve: writing
DVDs or CDs or PCs with an apostrophe (DVD's). It is EVERYWHERE.
Do you not learn PLURAL NOT POSSESSIVE in sixth grade?
And I wasn't even an English major. (Which is why I start sentences with AND all the time.)
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